„Academy of the Austrian Hospice Jerusalem“ is the name given to events and activities of a scientific, music-pedagogical and intercultural nature, which the city of Jerusalem, in its diversity and complexity, has inspired us to take on.
Jerusalem is a thrice holy city: to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. In a city as intimate as this, people have the chance to get to know each other. It is a habitat that has spawned different cultures and religions, where interactions and encounters occur, questions are asked and barriers can be broken down.
More than ever before, Europe faces similar questions of coexistence and integration, where peaceful as well as conflictual encounters take place. Jerusalem is a place of learning.
Our Academy places partciular emphasis on music education. Renowned musicians are invited to teach in our house in cooperation with local music schools and a Viennese artists‘ agency. Pupils with proven talent who often come from difficult social backgrounds are given the opportunity to develop their musical skills and/or their voices. A graduation concert for friends and family allows them to demonstrate their progress – and serves as an inspiration for Hospice and parents to get more involved.
Our scholarly activity includes researching and publishing the history of our house. Symposia with international and Austrian experts are held to address issues pertaining to the Middle East conflict, its background and for exploring potential avenues for reconciliation. As Austrians, and especially as a church institution, we have a special responsibility to discuss topics such as the Holocaust and anti-Semitism.